




在回答大部分我们无法解释的诡异问题时,我们最常用的辩词通常是历史原因。那么,历史又是出于什么原因,使用了0标号数组呢?Mike Hoye就是本着这么一种追根刨地的科学精神为我们找到了解答。以下是一些他的重要结论的摘录翻译:


If a BCPL variable represents a pointer, it points to one or more consecutive words of memory. These words are the same size as BCPL variables. Just as machine code allows address arithmetic so does BCPL, so if p is a pointer p+1 is a pointer to the next word after the one p points to. Naturally p+0 has the same value as p. The monodic indirection operator ! takes a pointer as it’s argument and returns the contents of the word pointed to. If v is a pointer !(v+I) will access the word pointed to by v+I.




So: the technical reason we started counting arrays at zero is that in the mid-1960’s, you could shave a few cycles off of a program’s compilation time on an IBM 7094. The social reason is that we had to save every cycle we could, because if the job didn’t finish fast it might not finish at all and you never know when you’re getting bumped off the hardware because the President of IBM just called and fuck your thesis, it’s yacht-racing time.



上文中提到的为了计较分秒的编译时间而使用0下标数组,在硬件飞速发展的今天显然是不必要的。那么为什么一些新兴语言,如Python依然选择以0作为数组第一个元素呢?难道也是历史原因?对于这个问题,Python的作者Guido van Rossum也有自己的答案。这里大致概括一下作者的用意:从0开始的半开放数组写法在表示子数组(或者子串)的时候格外的便捷。例如:a[0:n]表示了a中前n个元素组成的新数组。如果我们使用1开始的数组写法,那么就要写成a[1:n+1]。这样就显得不是很优雅。那么问题来了,Python数组为什么使用半开放,即[m,n)左闭合右开发的写法呢?这个理解起来就比较简单,读者可以参考http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/EWD/ewd08xx/EWD831.PDF作为扩展阅读。下面摘录一段Python作者的原话:

Using 0-based indexing, half-open intervals, and suitable defaults (as Python ended up having), they are beautiful: a[:n] and a[i:i+n]; the former is long for a[0:n]. Using 1-based indexing, if you want a[:n] to mean the first n elements, you either have to use closed intervals or you can use a slice notation that uses start and length as the slice parameters. Using half-open intervals just isn’t very elegant when combined with 1-based indexing. Using closed intervals, you’d have to write a[i:i+n-1] for the n items starting at i. So perhaps using the slice length would be more elegant with 1-based indexing? Then you could write a[i:n]. And this is in fact what ABC did – it used a different notation so you could write a@i|n.(See http://homepages.cwi.nl/~steven/abc/qr.html#EXPRESSIONS.)



  • 在计算资源缺乏的过去,0标号的写法可以节省编译时间
  • 现代语言中0标号可以更优雅的表示数组字串
  • 在支持指针的语言中,标号被视作是偏移量,因此从0开始更符合逻辑


  1. (http://developeronline.blogspot.com/2008/04/why-array-index-should-start-from-0.html)
  2. [http://exple.tive.org/blarg/2013/10/22/citation-needed/]
  3. [https://plus.google.com/115212051037621986145/posts/YTUxbXYZyfi]
  4. [http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7320686/why-does-the-indexing-start-with-zero-in-c]